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RC ERA 2.4G RC 헬리콥터 4CH 블랙 호넷 항공기 항공기 모델
RC ERA C127AI 헬리콥터 정찰 드론 모델 2.4G 4CH 싱글 로터 브러시리스 모델 에일러론 없음
CX068 드론 2.4G RC 비행기 3.5 CH 듀얼 프로펠러 자이로 안정화 항공기 모델 밝은 야간 항법등 포함
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소계:$0.00 USD
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Super content de mon achat fidèle au descriptif j'ai pas eu le temps encore de le tester mais franchement très belle finition
The Apache AH-64 is a very good RC Model
Delivery faster than expected and great customer service thank you for this Beauty
Get 10% off
Very good
Insurance is good, but it's packed so well from the factory you don't need waste your money on it, but it does seem to ship a little faster if you pay for the shipping insurance,,,go figure
Outstanding in all way, look flyability all around great
They make sure your helicopter isn't damaged in shipping
Package from you was damage free and the internal box was dent free.